Stay The Course 07.28.19 SUMMER SERIES: “The Book of Hebrews”

Stay the Course

Hebrews 10:26-39 


What are the Potent Dangers to the Christian Walk?

  1. Apostasy (v. 26-31)

The words if we deliberately keep on sinning do not refer to ordinary sins, but to the most grievous and final sin, apostasy. This is the sin which by its nature puts the offender  out of reach of God’s forgiveness and therefore the sin from which there is no return… That the sin involves a falling away is further indicated by the words after we have received the knowledge of the truth.

-Donald Hagner

Numbers 15:27-31

Deuteronomy 32:35-36

2.  Persecution (v. 32-39)


Our author does not wish to discourage his readers, but to embolden them so that they will emerge victorious from the growing test of faith. This he does now in the first place by reminding them of how they stood a severe test in the earlier days of their lives as Christians.

– FF Bruce

Habakkuk 2:3-4


TAKEAWAYS: What is the right response to Jesus?

Hebrews 10:19-25

  • Let us… draw near
  • Let us… hold on
  • Let us… stir up one another




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