Our Team
Staff Team
The role of Grace City’s staff team is to effectively equip our church to live out the gospel in everyday life.

Randall Tonini
Lead Pastor, Elder

Mike Crain
Interim Kids Director & Staff Development

Drake Oswald
Operations Director

Jaenee Cajudo
Worship Director, Deaconess

Yonas Bekele
Youth Director, Deacon

Joshua Mondragon
Communications Director

Brooke Law
Equipping Director, Deaconess
Elders + Deacons
Jesus leads the church, elders oversee and shepherd the church, and deacons organize care and outreach. Our vision is to have teams of elders and deacons working together with the staff to provide spiritual support to our church family.

Ryan Ferrer

Greg Nelson

Cody Brooks

Nancy Nelson

Lila Hermosillo

Ethan Law

Stephen Sena

Joe Wonohadidjojo
Ministry + Team Leaders
Our Ministry and Team Leaders work alongside our staff, elders, and deacons to oversee and coordinate the activities of our church. Their focus is connecting people within our church family and giving people opportunities to serve.

Ethan Law
Connections Team Co-Leader

Meghann Carpenter
Families Coordinator

Noah Gonzales
Facilities Team Leader

Nancy Nelson
Prayer Team Leader

Petrina Loh
Café Team Co-Leader

Kerstin Westendorf
Café Team Co-Leader