Sermon Notes

Sundays At 9AM & 11AM

4377 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA, 92121

On this page you will find notes that outline each sermon, including scripture references and quotes.

More Than A Face In The Crowd 8.8.21

SERIES: The Book of Acts TEXT: Acts 16:1-5 MESSAGE: “More Than A Face In The Crowd” ——————————————————————- Have you ever felt overlooked? Like you were invisible? “Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love…” — […]

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Overcoming Adversity In Relationships 8.1.21

SERIES: The Book of Acts TEXT: Acts 15:36-41 MESSAGE: “Overcoming Adversity In Relationships” ——————————————————— “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17 “Email doesn’t convey context. We experience email as […]

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Living By A New Standard 7.25.21

SERIES: The Book of Acts TEXT: Acts 15:12-21 MESSAGE: “Living By A New Standard” ——————————————————— Q: Do you believe that grace is God’s standard for your acceptance? TEXT: Acts 15:12-21 Q: How can these believers live by this new standard of grace?  By seeing […]

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God’s Grace for All Nations 7.18.21

Title: God’s Grace for All Nations TEXT: Acts 15:1-12 (ESV) ———————————– Message Big Idea: Because God graciously welcomes in all peoples, we can stop excluding others and join His mission in our city and in the world. Meritocracy: “a system, organization, or […]

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Evidences of Discipleship – 7.11.21

SERIES: The Book of Acts TEXT: Acts 14:21-28 MESSAGE: Evidences of Discipleship 1. _____ _________ ___ ______ are committed to preaching the gospel AND strengthening believers with encouragement (v. 21-22). 2. ________________ is a mark of a true Christian (v. 22) . […]

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