A church for our community, city, and World
Our vision is to be a church for our city that seeks new life in Jesus. We are not a church for ourselves, but a church for others. We are part of a greater mission to see people come to Jesus all over San Diego, and ultimately the world.
For Our City
We believe that God has called us to be a faithful presence in San Diego, and specifically in University City. Below are some ways we contribute to the flourishing of our community.
for our community
During the third week of July, we operate a free sports camp for kids in our city. Each year we see about 100 kids participate. We have so much fun building relationships and sharing the gospel with the kids!
We partner with our local elementary, middle, and high schools to meet tangible needs. Each year, we donate backpacks to University High School during registration, bless teachers with a meal, and provide gift cards for families in need during the holidays.
We value serving our community, so throughout the year we volunteer at locally run neighborhood events. Annually, we volunteer for the UC Celebration on July 4th along with other events that support local schools.
Kingdom Vision
God's kingdom is so much larger than our corner of San Diego! We serve alongside various partners who are doing amazing gospel work both locally and globally. Learn more about our partners and how you can get involved below.
for our campuses
Bridges International is a caring community of Christ-followers committed to serve, promote social connections, and engage in spiritual conversations with international students so that students become leaders internationally. Here are some ways you can support the work of Bridges:
- Helping with bi-weekly dinners at UCSD by cooking food or simply engaging international students in conversation to get to know them.
- Hosting an international student in your home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or other holiday meals. Being a home away from home is such a huge blessing to these students who are far from their loved ones.
- Giving students rides to church (since most internationals don't have a car).
If you would like to serve with Bridges, you can contact Lauren Kish (Lauren.Kish@cru.org). You can learn more about Bridges International at bridgessandiego.com.
Destino is a ministry that empowers a generation of Latino/a leaders to change the world through Christ. Here are some ways you can support the work of Destino:
- Donating snacks for student Bible studies and study sessions
- Offering a skill to share with students during a weekly meeting or a special workshop (i.e. teaching music, offering therapy/counseling in a certain subject, etc.)
- Hosting an event
- Connecting other Latino pastors and leaders to Destino
If you would like to serve with Destino, you can contact Lila Hermosillo (lila.hermosillo@destino.org). You can learn more about Destino at destino.org.
Cru is a college ministry that seeks to give everyone an opportunity to know Jesus. You can learn more at cru.org.
InterVarsity (IV) is a multiethnic community that longs to see every corner of our campus become transformed by the love of Jesus.
Here are some ways you can support the work of IV:
- Bringing food (50 students) or setting up and tearing down (music equipment and sound experience) for Wednesday night large group
- Adopting a small group to bless with snacks/food
- Preparing finals care packages (snacks and helpful exam materials)
- Hosting study jams or meals (live 1 mile from UCSD)
If you would like to serve with IV, you can contact Diana Wang (diana.wang@intervarsity.org). You can learn more about IV at ucsdiv.com.
for our city
Generate Hope is a faith-based organization providing long-term, comprehensive programs to women who have been sexually trafficked, so that they are able to reintegrate into society and walk powerfully into their futures. Each month, we send a team to help with any tasks that are needed around the home (i.e. gardening, cleaning, organizing, etc.). We would love for you to join us on our next day of service! You can learn more about Generate Hope at generatehope.org.
Agape Myanmar Mission is led by Pastor Silas and is a ministry to the Burmese Refugee community in San Diego. We partner with Pastor Silas through donations of food, hygiene items, and financial assistance as he reaches his community here in San Diego, and seeks to build up pastors and plant churches in Myanmar. You can learn more about Agape Myanmar Mission at agapemyanmar.org.
Julian Oaks Youth Camp serves children who have been abused or neglected through redeeming the past, providing a joyful present, and offering true hope for the future through the love of Jesus Christ. We send camp counselors to serve during the summer. You can learn more at julianoaks.org.
for our world
We are part of City to City, which is a local and global church planting movement. In 2018, we helped plant a church in Tokyo, Japan, through City to City and we continue to work alongside them to train future pastors and plant more churches. We want to be a part of reaching the world with the good news of Jesus! You can learn more about Redeemer City to City at redeemercitytocity.com.
In 2016, Grace City helped plant a church and sponsor children in Loja, Ecuador, through Compassion International. We had the privilege of sending a team to see the church and meet the children who are involved in the Compassion program. We believe in the sustainable, transformative, gospel-centered, church-driven work of Compassion. To learn more about Compassion and to sign up to sponsor a child living in poverty, visit compassion.com.